Posts filed under ‘Random’


Ok so I know I stopped posting and ignored my blog for pretty much the whole month of Ramadan.

I got sick and couldn’t be bothered to do anything and then that just seemed to stretch on.

Sorry guys, I promise I am going to start up again from today.

October 17, 2007 at 8:28 am 4 comments

No! I Respect You More!


Respect is a funny thing in our society. We are taught how important respect is, how we must respect others and be respected. This I agree with wholeheartedly. What I do not agree with is the current situation of fake respect that is become not about respecting others at all but about just doing some routine thing that has been ingrained in our brains or worse to show off that you are the more respectful person.

I am rambling…bear with me, I have a point I promise :p

My worst pet peeve is the whole “yimeen” thing, that is that the person on the right is the person who goes through the doorway first. THIS IS THE WORST TRADITION EVER! I hate it! You have to stand there arguing at the door for five minutes.

Person 1:”itfathal”

Person 2:”yimeen yimeen”

Person 1:”la 7asha, itfathal”

Person2: “la walla ma ijooz, yimeen”

Morbid: “Umm…can you guys decide sometime this century, Im late for work?”

They go on and on, I was going to a meeting yesterday and between the entrance of the building and the conference room there were 4 doorways and five of us. Do you have any idea how long it took to get to the conference room?!?!?

Its become more a competition about who is the more respectful than it is about respecting the other people, it is so obviously not sincere. I do not mean to say that the people that are doing this are fake, on the contrary they are some of the nicest people you will ever meet, but its just been ingrained in them.

I cant say I am much better, as much as I hate the “yimeen” tradition, if I am on the right and the other person walks through the doorway first without offering it to me I start thinking “Did that S.O.B. just disrespect me?!??!?”.

Anywayz, sorry for the rant, I will try to keep them to a minimum. Peace out and I hope you are all having a great Ramadan 🙂

September 17, 2007 at 8:53 pm 14 comments

Yummy Smoothies !!!


Smoothies are the best! So cold, to tasty, so refreshing!

Drinking a smoothie while driving around and listening to music puts me in the best mood on Friday afternoons, especially coz the roads are empty around that time. My favorite is a Frozen Mocha from Chocolate Bar (even though today they didn’t put on the top properly and it nearly spilled on me!). Another one I highly recommend is the Green Tea Smoothie from Coffee Bean. If fruit smoothies is what you heart desires, then Blendz all the way, they are sometimes a bit too sour for my liking but good nonetheless.

August 31, 2007 at 11:48 pm 12 comments

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